Our attorneys possess a unique skill set that is essential for successfully handling litigation at the appellate level. They have extensive experience and knowledge of the procedures at both state and federal appellate courts, and are objective and persuasive advocates for our clients. Our attorneys are particularly skilled at researching the applicable law, organizing briefs, and presenting compelling arguments.
Our firm has a strong track record of success in handling appeals and mandamuses in a variety of oil and gas related matters, including condemnation issues, title disputes, force majeure, product liability claims, mineral rights, and challenges to the constitutionality of Texas's eminent domain system. We have also successfully represented clients in appeals involving trade secret claims, arbitrability disputes, fraud in real estate transactions, Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, construction disputes, procedural issues, contract disputes, and legal malpractice claims.
At the trial court level, our attorneys have extensive experience drafting and responding to motions, such as summary judgment motions, motions to dismiss, jurisdictional pleas, and motions to exclude experts and evidence. We work diligently to create a comprehensive record that will preserve important issues for appeal.